Sunday, January 6, 2008

Traveling in Chiangmai

I'm very surprised to go to Chiangmai with my family. We went on 26 December in 2007. It's very wonderful to travel the best province of Thailand. At first when I alived at Chiangmai I'm was very glad and happy so much. The weather at there is very cold. So I like this province very much. This province is quiet and many people is very polite. the street was clean. I'm was pround everything about this place. At first days on 26 December when airplane alive at Chaingmai me and my family were very surprised because my father 's friends he come to meet my father to recieved my family to stay his home. after that we went to his house and then we have met his family. And then my father told his friend about stay his home. Because in my family have 5. So It too much to lived together. Finally my father's friend advice to stayed at hotel near his house. We accept immediately and went to that hotel quickly because we were so tired. When we alive that hotel. It name " Holiday Inn " it is very large hotel and beautiful. After that we get the room and have to rest in the room because in evening we have to met my father's friend family at the theater of restaurant. It name " Kum Kam ". This place is very beautiful and the girls in this place is so cute 55+. And then we have take some photo in this place. After that my family and my father's friend family ate dinner together. At night is very beautiful. It all happy and wonderful because I have never went to Chiangmai yet. After when I ate dinner finished we have to go night barza at Chiangmai. It very cool in this town because this town is all a tourist and much people in this night barza. And then my family have shopping until we so tired and we came back to hotel to rest because tomorrow we have to travel any place. Second day, we have went to Chiang Rai. That way is very far and long so until to went to Chiang Rai in the car everyone were slept but driver not sleep too. When we alive at Chaing Rai and past Chiang Rai to Doi tung. This place is very beautiful. A lot of people in Thailand must come to this place to take a photo alway. The weather is so cool. After we had travel everywhere in this place and not tired because the weather and enviroment in this place made our fresh. So we love this place. And after we travel finished. We just come back to hotel in Chiangmai. It was alone times again. However in 2 days in Chaingmai with my family is very perfect and happy so much. On the third days I wake up early in the morning to ate breakfast in this hotel. The food in this hotel have a many kind of nationality.It looks delicious and fresh. And then we have to travel to "Suan 80 years" It means this place is have a lot of flowers and all of flowers is very beautiful. Many people when alive this here must take a photo together. this place is very high because it is on the hill so the weather in this garden is very cold. when I alive that I was fresh and happy so much because I haven't seen this place before but I saw this place at home on television but I haven't saw a real place.So It was very beautiful. My family like so much. And then we have to took a lot of photo in this place. We stayed that many hours because we like this garden and many people in this place all of friendly. After that when we just to come back to hotel to dinner again with my father's friends. He invited my family to dinner in the best of restuarant in Chaingmai Because he is owner. When I hear that I was very interesting to ate dinner this night. After when we alive at hotel. I just quickly to take a bath and wear a smart uniform for this night. When we finished after we have went to the restaurant It name " Le Cog d' or " It look like French style and very beautiful restaurant. After we have ate together at night. The food in this restaurant was very delicious. So I ate full and enjoy together. After when we ate finished. We have to took some photo for remember in this here. So I have pround and very happy in this night and my family happy too.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Le Coq d'Or eh? I will go there the next time.