Sunday, November 18, 2007

How long i can graduate from ABAC..*

I think everyday , how I can graduate from ABAC University , It very serious because I must reading a book only and my faculty is Law.So , It was very hard to learn but I don't care I want to try to work hard . However if I can graduate from here , my family will be proud exactly. I'm Freshmen in semester 2. I was very serious in semester 1, because in semester I don't do everything. I came to late in the any classroom. I don't care everything. I played game veryday. After that it coming to final test I was very sad. I wasn't read any books. And final test is coming in 2 days. I'm very nervous. Finally I try so hard in 2 days. After that in the Final test. I can did it but not well. After that my grade is 2.22. I failed 1 subjects. But I'm not sad I thing It not so bad and I can do it. Although I read the book in 2 days. It very surprised and wonderful. I thing in that times I will failed all subject. I thing ervry days, never mind I must be improve myself evrything example; play games, come late, sleep in the class, talk a lot, Etc. Because in the semester 2 i must be a good grade and I want to grade A in this semester. Now I leraning in English for law 1. It very interesting and challenging for me . And I meet a new friends and a news teacher who is name " Mr. Jasper " he is smart. But I can study in this class. In this semester I'm must to pratise my homework and reading a book everydays. If i can deligent much more I thing I can graduate in this University in 4 years. But If I don't care everything finally I can't successful in my life and my family will be sad. So I want to learn much more than in semester 1. I just to try hard in semester 2 and any semester too. When I can graduate from ABAC University. My mom and my daddy would be proud and happy very much. In the same times I will be glad very much because my faculty is very hard to graduate in 4 years. After that I just to be a lawyer. I not sure how I can graduate from ABAC University. But I promise myself I just to graduate in 4 years and I promise I want to a good student and I must respect in the rule

Saturday, November 10, 2007



"Do not trust your memory; it is a net full of holes; the most beautiful prizes slip through it." [Georges Duhamel] Around 1250, the word "memory" was recorded. The Latin word for memory is memoria. The prefix "memor" stands for "mindful, remembering." The suffix "pie" stands for "think." Memory is important in many people's lives. It helps to recall daily chores and past experiences. Memory is simply the retention of information via processes of brain neurons, although the idea of losing one's memories can be unnerving and terrifying.Memory classify into three groups: sensory, short-term, and long-term memory. Sensory memory refers to the first stage of memory. It recalls details of an object for a fleeting moment, such as a briefly viewed image. The amount of information retain by sensory memory is limited. Because of the fleeting moment of time, sensory memory is associated with perception. Within sensory memory, there are two subgroups: iconic memory and echoic memory. Iconic refers to the visual image while echoic refers to the memory of sound. The second stage of memory is short-term. Short-term memory is similar to sensory memory in that information held is very limited. Although, the duration that information is held is longer than sensory memory. The final level is long-term memory; these memories are essentially permanent. Long-term memory helps to recall past events and knowledge. Understanding various memory disorders assist in defining memory and the realization of the preciousness of memories. The ability to retain information decrease with age, which is a natural occurrence. Small details of the past are lost while the overall image is retained. For example, a person remembers riding on a ferris wheel for his birthday, but cannot recall the color of the ferris wheel. Another example would be a woman remembering her childhood and her walks to the park, but does not remember the name of the park. Memory loss is a symptom of Alzheimer's. People with severe symptoms cannot perform minor activities. Loss of language comprehension, recognition of close friends and family, and objects are due to the reliance on long-term memory. President Ronald Reagan lived through ten years of Alzheimer's. Memory loss is also an effect of amnesia. Long or short period of memory could be lost. In Anastasia, Anya suffered from amnesia and as a result, could not remember the first eight years of her life.Even though memory is just the act of storing and recalling information, when memory loss does occur, one ceases to the same person again. "I am grown old and my memory is not as active as it used to be. When I was younger I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not; but my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember any but the things that never happened. It is sad to go to pieces like this, but we all have to do it."

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Last Weekend

I was so happy last weekends. After working very hard for my last term examination. Now I can take it easy again. I spend my free time going to movie, listening to music, playing games online, walking and also I don’t forget to help my mom around the house too. Most food that I like is any kind that isn’t quite hot. I like to taste the new dish especially that come from my mom cooking. Presenly, I don’t live with my mother because of I should live at dormitory it’s near the university, then I always miss her when I eat out.
Because I get used have meals from my mom cooking, those are my favorite dishes. Several days agos I was online chatting with a girl. She’s studying at some university in Chiangmai. She’s very cute and funny too. She always makes me langh, whenever we’re online after a while we exchanged phone number so now we talk many times a day. She told me it’s nice and cool in Chiangmai right now. There’re many Tourist Thai and Western in Chiangmai now. She told me about beautiful places in Chiangmai. It made me wanted to go to Chiangmai again to see all those wonderful scenery and feel the lovely atmosphere which is very hard to find in Bangkok. I think everyone of us like to go to beautiful places over the weekends we all work, studied hard and feel tired for the whole week. So we need to relax and enjoy ourselves in a nice and beautiful place. At weekends we might go with lover of our love ones to some where beautiful that will give us good memory and make us feel good. Like going to the mountain which we’ll feel so relax that will give us good feeling. These days some families or some lover
might not be able to spend time together during the week. So going beautiful places at the weekends with lover of love ones will keep us closed and help build up good relationship in family of for lovers. It will give us good memory and make us all very happy also. Me too right now I feel wanted to go to Chiangmai again because I want to meet her, want to spend the good time to traveling with us. So I want to meet her very much. However I just ready to start in new semester. I think in semester 2 , I want to get a good grade for my family and finally I love to study at ABAC and I hope I can graduate at ABAC in 4 years.